Natascha Bantel

How to live a healthier life sustainably

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In order to achieve your health goals in the long run, the training aspect must not be neglected. Therefore, we will also discuss this part during our coaching sessions. 


You want to optimize your diet in the long term and live healthier? You want to reduce weight? Or gain muscle mass? Then you are exactly right in my focus area, the nutrition coaching!

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Constant stress prevents you from achieving your goals, even if you eat a healthy and balanced diet. If you are affected by this, we will take a closer look at the aspect of more balance.

My Values

Empathic, Loyal & Individual

These values come first! I am the right coach if you are looking for:

Unbenannt 1a customized strategy, tailored to your needs,

Unbenannt 1an achievement of personal goals with self-reliance and

Unbenannt 1a long-term oriented approach for a sustainable success.

My commitment to you:

I support you with a holistic and individually tailored concept to a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

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My name is

Natascha Bantel

For me, eating not only means fueling energy, but should also include joy and passion. Unfortunately, these days it is not always easy to make the right choice in the food we consume. Therefore, I would like to show you simple and healthy strategies that help you to live a healthier life.

Sports and, as an important component, nutrition have been part of my life for over two decades. It all began at the age of four. That was when I stood on the ice for the first time. Many sweaty training hours, competitions and tests followed. I learned how the (sports-) nutrition can support me in the most suitable way.

Beside my sports career, I decided to do a Bachelor and Master of Science in Business Administration. After that, I worked in various technology companies. I enthusiastically accepted the challenge of finding simple, time-saving and healthy menus for this hectic professional life. I realized that the strategy I had developed could also help people in my environment. Therefore, I decided to share my experience as a nutrition expert. My holistic concept combines the elements of nutrition, exercise and relaxation. The goal is a long-term change for a better well-being.

I grew up in Gockhausen, near Zurich where I am currently living. Since I traveled a lot, I had the opportunity to expand my language skills. I speak German & Swiss German, English, Italian, some Spanish and some French. I also love the mountains for hiking and mountain biking, but also snowshoeing, for example in beautiful Engadin, is one of my favorite things to do. A few years ago I discovered yoga, breathing exercises and guided meditations. Besides my passion for nutrition, I am also a passionate hobby-cook. I love to prepare varied menus for friends and family and enjoy some beautiful evenings with them.

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Healthier Living - What my clients say about the nutrition coaching

Food pyramid, balanced diet, food from controlled cultivation - I thought I knew a lot about healthy eating! What I then learned with Natascha about myself and about sensible nutrition in the beginner coaching exceeded my expectations. Already during the first session I learned a lot of interesting things. I felt very comfortable during the two sessions and not at all under pressure. Natascha Bantel's interest in my person was honest and in no way did I feel influenced. How I eat is still up to me. But I have new knowledge and a lot of input, which I can implement directly. Thank you!
Globetrotter & Connoisseur
As I prefer to do cardio training, it is difficult for me to build muscles. Natascha managed to create a suitable concept for me to gain muscle thanks to her empathy. This included an individual nutrition plan as well as health-oriented strength training and daily movement routines. As a result, I was able to reach my desired weight in four months and have significantly built up muscle mass.
Foto Sandro
Passionate mountainbiker & diver
Thanks to Natascha as my coach, I live a more relaxed and enjoyable life. New knowledge about the interrelationships in nutrition help me to control my weight sustainably. And, since I am an outdoorfreak, Natascha supported me with an efficient training plan in the fresh air.
brigittebantel neu
Outdoorfreak and Indoorcook

In my job as a primary school teacher, I'm constantly on the go and have a hard time finding peace. Natascha helped me incorporate a daily yoga routine to give my body and soul a grounded start to the day. Moving in the morning not only has a positive impact on how I wake up but also on my flexibility. It feels good to have found a way how to feel more balanced throughout the stressful days at work and I am very grateful to Natascha for her motivating inspiration!

Primarlehrerin & neu, passionierte Yogi

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