Keynote und Q&A
- 45-minute lecture on a health-specific topic
- Suggested topics: Nutrition & mood, more energy in everyday life, sugar ABC
- Or individual topics on request
- 30-minute Q&A session
- Online or on site
Content creation for internal health page
- Creation of health-specific information contributions
- Written contributions: Blogposts, one-pagers, articles
- Explanatory videos and podcasts
- Suggested topics: Healthy nutrition in everyday business life, work-life balance tool kit
- Individual topics on request
Employee survey and BGM concept development
- Developing the goals of your employees
- Questionnaire to analyse the wishes and needs of employees
- Creation of a customised offer in occupational health management
Breathing workshop
- Burnout prevention, tackling exhaustion, increasing mental and physical performance
- 30-minute input on my personal and professional experience in respiratory therapy
- One-hour breathing exercise followed by journaling
- on site in a quiet room
- Upcoming Event
References and testimonials

World Mental Health Day Sunrise
The event was attended by 120 Sunrise employees. Numerous questions from the audience were answered during the event. Finally, a survey was sent out to all participants. The aim was to find out how employee health can be improved. The needs of the employees were thus collected in a targeted manner and concrete recommendations for action could be derived from them. Sunrise has decided to implement these recommendations together with healthynate in 2024.

Impressions of the Future Day
On the future day of a leading global technology company, I was able to den Kids die ausgewogene Ernährung näher bringen.
I was struck by how much some of the kids already knew a lot about nutrition! For example, most of them could easily name the functions of carbohydrates, proteins and vegetables!
During the green smoothie drinking challenge, I was surprised by the courage of some of the kids. hätte selbst Erwachsene abschrecken können – und doch probierten einige der Kids den Smoothie ohne zu zögern und mochten ihn sogar.
The children have proven that we as adults can pass on so much relevant nutrition knowledge and curiosity to try new things to the next generation. As a nutrition expert, it is therefore a 💛- matter to share my nutrition expertise with as many people as possible - in this way we can act as the role models that the adults of tomorrow need in order to live a healthy life.